Marshall DSL401 - Bridge Rectifier Disaster

Marshall DSL401

Marshall DSL401

At some point in its history, someone replaced the notoriously lacking bridge rectifier with an EVEN SMALLER ONE! The resulting heat was enough to melt the hot glue supporting nearby caps which ran across the board and out the tube socket. Glued the tube to the socket and the socket to the board. Also toasted the nearby channel switching relay. Wave soldering is why we can't have nice things around here!

Carvin X100 Series III 212 combo. Low voltage supply rebuild.

1983 Carvin Series III

1983 Carvin Series III

1983 Carvin 212 combo. Needed the low voltage supply rebuilt. A common issue with these amps as they age. Everything else was in amazing condition, right down to the hard to find original foot switch. Someone truly loved this thing. A sturdy, American made, 100 watt tube amp for a fraction of what you would pay for a new Fender or Vox import.