*** Propaganda ***

Want to know more about the biggest, best, freshest smelling amp repair in Seattle? Well don't just take our word for it! Enjoy these cherry picked comments from only the happiest of citizens. Your comrades wouldn't lie about this sort of thing, right?

"Lately I've been taking all of my broken amps, pedals, mics, preamps, etc to Citizens Repair. It's by far the best experience I've had with gear repair - fast turn-around, detailed and educational diagnostics, and good prices.
If you've had terrible repair experiences like I have, just know that there's a better way to live!"

"This whole email update thing is really cool. Good work. The only other times I’ve had to get repairs done, one was a guitar shop in ••••, and I had to keep asking when it would be finished. The other was •••• over in ••••. He really knew his stuff, but was really weird. Kinda yelled at us for calling him from a 509 number, and his house was really sketchy.

Just wanted to compliment you on being thorough and not weird… at least not when it comes to this stuff.  

Feel free to use that quote on your web site. HAHA"



"You should have stars or something, because I'd give you 10 of 'em. We cranked this up last night. Gloriously crunchy goodness ensued. I laughed. Everyone else laughed. The amp laughed....

Thanks for bringing her back to life."

"Thanks again! The BA-115HP sounds great. It performed flawlessly at band practice last night. You have breathed new life into my old friend."